For the Awakened (and only you
know if you are), the old system of things is dead. It’s energetically over. It
just doesn’t know it yet.
There can be no more “business as usual,” not ever. Passive acceptance for the old way of doing things within a biased system based upon bonds of indentured servitude is no longer an option. It simply cannot be sustained because the dead system’s roots were rotted out from under us a long time ago as very few took notice.
There can be no more “business as usual,” not ever. Passive acceptance for the old way of doing things within a biased system based upon bonds of indentured servitude is no longer an option. It simply cannot be sustained because the dead system’s roots were rotted out from under us a long time ago as very few took notice.
Yet, with every ending comes a new
beginning. When the old ways won’t work, new ways to work are created.
So what do we want to create instead?
Where do we go from here? How do we work with others in a practical way during
this foot-in-both-worlds between-time?
These are issues I’ve been
pondering for a while because I know now it is up to us – each individual and the
collective – to co-create a brand new way of ‘sharing talents’ and experiences while
redefining what has worth or value in a higher humane way. And to co-create a
brand new way forward will mean designing balanced and beneficial methods of
interacting without replicating any of the old system’s darkness and
When I found a recent article
by Vera Ingebord, The Wake Up Experience
entitled Unconditional Business-Doing Business on New Earth, I breathed
a sigh of relief. It was as if she'd read my mind and I am so grateful for her
perceptions I'm compelled to share them. I feel her insight can offer us a sound
working bridge over the volatile rapids of systemic change. No doubt, there will many new exciting concepts to consider in our coming timelines. It's hard to wait.
For now, I, too, am looking
forward to doing and being “Unconditional Business” with you.
A big part of the creation of New Earth is how businesses will be run
and will be operating in the future. The energetic New Earth templates are
created based on trust and unconditional love. This has a large impact on the
business world.
You will find no conditions, contracts, terms or disclaimers on my
website any longer as those are old concepts based on fear and mistrust.
Our commitment to a joint experience is all that is needed. We commit
to a co-creation the moment we take the decision to work with each other.
Based on the new energies, and based on the knowing that we are each
responsible for our own energy and creation, we know that all experiences we
step into are meant to be and meant to assist us on our journey and in our
growth. When we get triggered and a button gets pushed, we know that this is a
sign of our own system, telling us where we are still not in balance. We take
responsibility for our own feelings; we accept them to then shift them. The New
Earth Human values all that is and sees the purpose in each and every
New Earth businesses are operating in the same way - as collectives
interacting with other collectives, based on energetic resonance and
commitment and dedication
My intention, commitment and dedication is to work with people and
businesses that are ready to drop all conditions and safety nets that are based
on the old paradigm patterns, based on lack, mistrust and fear. Instead, we
jointly are doing business together and are co-creating amazing projects,
endeavors and experiences based on abundance, trust and love, that manifest
into the New Earth reality. We jointly embody the new blueprints of
co-operation, and comm-unity. The only laws that need to be respected are the
universal laws of energy. They automatically represent the fertile ground on
which we will build the new paradigm.
Unconditional business automatically always leads to a win-win for
everyone as everyone commits and takes responsibility for their part. Win-win
can mean anything, money is just one part in it. There are many other forms of
abundance to be appreciated, such as, connections to amazing people, new
experiences, new inspiration, new growth opportunities personally and
collectively, etc.
Unconditional business is automatically in balance, as it is a
co-creation of balanced beings that are aware of the universal laws, the
process of creation and evolution and their responsibility for their own
energetic contribution into the joint creation. Therefore, an aligned intention
and commitment is key before entering the process of physical creation. This
includes the commitment to be very honest and share when something feels out of
alignment and feels unpleasant. Expressing our authenticity and vulnerability
is an essential part and key to successful co-creation.
This also means to give a new meaning and task to money. Money is not
the purpose of why we are co-creating or why we are doing business. Money is
nothing but the energetic backflow for a co-creation to maintain balance with
the value created, and to re-invest it into further co-creations that serve the
greater good.
I am looking forward to doing and
being unconditional business with you!