If you had asked me prior to 2012 and The Galactic Transcripts what
I thought about ETs and UFOs, my response would’ve been the equivalent of an
“eh” and a shrug because I never gave the subject much thought. Not because I
ever bought the official line of denial on the matter or the story about homo
sapien sapien being the epitome of soul-bearing lifeforms in the known Universe.
No. But because it was always a given in my mind they were out there … even if all I had was an unsubstantiated knowingness.
No. But because it was always a given in my mind they were out there … even if all I had was an unsubstantiated knowingness.
That, and the oblique fact
that (and many ETs would agree) it made absolutely no logical sense to me that
the only intelligent lifeform in an expanding Universe (and on this planet I might add) would be the human being. The manipulative notion
purporting our Earth human to be the smartest thing around any planetary block
in the galaxy always seemed naught but ignorant and arrogant - especially when
considering that even establishment scientists are now estimating there are
more than two hundred trillion galaxies outside of our own Milky Way.
Let me further clarify that I
do not consider myself an ET abductee or ‘experiencer’. If I have ever been
abducted, I have no conscious memory of it. But I need to remind those who do
not fully understand how things behind the curtain really work that just
because we don’t remember something happening doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Let
me offer some bits of friendly advice: Never rule anything out, and never
say never.
Suffice it to say, I wasn’t
one of those souls who grew up staring at the stars wishing for a UFO to whiz
by and beam me up. This doesn’t mean I haven’t seen a UFO for indeed I have,
and several. However, given the cloaked traffic jams in our skies these days,
seeing a UFO doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an ET alien aircraft. And frankly at this stage, I don't have the training to know the difference.
It is common knowledge among
historians and researchers alike that technologically advanced aircraft and devices
were being reversed engineered and developed in secret by Nazi German
scientists during World War II. Project Paperclip absorbed those scientists and
all of that research into western Allied intelligence labs after the war ended.
Did anyone really think They would
let that kind of space age R&D go down with the Nazi ship that never really
went down?
After more than 75 years of
unfettered advancements, we can only imagine how far this research has progressed
in secret. When our hand-held technology today is compared to what has been in clandestine
use by our secret space program for decades, the declarations made by many a whistleblower
becomes irrefutable – we are not nearly as advanced as we think. In other
words, those impressive black triangular UFOs seen in our skies since the 1960s are
synonymous with aerospace industry covered wagons.
All said, what became apparent
to me early on was that The Galactic Transcripts somehow gave
substance to what I had always internally known. Whatever else it opened up was more than enough to ensure
I would not rest until I knew more, a lot more. When the questions started
pouring into my head without interruption, I did what most of us do these days,
I scoured the internet for enlightenment.

This is when I discovered
Charles Hall and the Tall Whites. He was the first experiencer on my list who was still alive and
giving lectures with his wife by his side. His personal story about the private
time he had spent with the Tall Whites in the Nevada desert while in
the military was hard to dismiss. Perhaps because I knew inside he spoke
truth. Yet, I was left wondering why his story wasn’t common knowledge. Why wasn’t
it out there being discussed by everyone?
For whatever reason, They chose not to completely suppress the Charles Hall
story. For this I am glad because it doesn't usually work that way. It seems pretty obvious to me now how They tasked Their ruthless MIB henchmen eons ago with ensuring that the people of Earth never, ever get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
© by DK King
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