Instead of striking at the
crown, the 16/7 lightning bolt that triggers a Consciousness Quake strikes at the
base of the target, at the foundation and very cornerstone. The strike is often stealthily rendered so that the fatal cracks inflicted can simmer beneath the surface without
immediate awareness. By the time the cracks start to spread, it’s too late. Permanent
damage done. Things will never look or feel the same again (even if you try to
reconstruct it).
A lesser lightning strike might typically be called an A-HA moment, or an epiphany. The primary difference
between an epiphany and a Consciousness Quake is directly related to the level
of disturbance. Unlike the epiphany, a Consciousness Quake is all about disseminating
tremors through both the individual and the collective realms; both the micro
(individual) and the macro (collective).
A classic epiphany, while profound
unto itself, will send internal tremors throughout the mind/body/spirit realms
of an individual, and can be likened to the ripples that radiate outward from a
stone tossed into a pool - a pool of consciousness that is. The stone’s impact being
the epiphany itself as the resulting ripples act to irradiate the epiphany’s
newfound enlightenment throughout the entire being.
The Consciousness Quake not
only creates the same internal mind/body/spirit tremors for the individual, but
kicks it up a notch by making the epiphany “public.” In going “public,” those rolling
waves of ‘A-HAs’ are amplified beyond the individual and throughout the
collective consciousness for the entire macro to access and benefit from. Instead
of a stone being tossed into the pool of consciousness, it’s more like a
The pathway of enlightenment
is laid by the Consciousness Quake for nothing can blow those boulders standing
in the way of ascension out of the way better.
© by DK King
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