Saturday, May 15, 2010

SEC: Pimps of Wall Street

Now that the cathouse is out of the bag and everyone’s figured out Why Bernie Made Off With 2008, it looks as if the ‘Mac Daddy’ of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has finally decided to pry himself away from the full time oversight of downloading the best porn the internet has to offer, to focus his attentions on saving face and re-exerting his authority over the Street.

Apparently the biggest whores working Wall Street needed a friendly reminder of who really keeps them in business with a little legal bitch slapping.

Just ask the recently slapped Goldman Sachs. This high profile Street walker (who just happened to be one of the Wizards Behind the TARP) got lucky when the Omaha Oracle -aka Daddy Warbucks- defended Goldman by admitting he'd laid his own money on the table and the return on his investment made him want to come back for more.

Working the Street is a dirty job, but I guess someone's gotta do it.
© by DK King

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Comments? Great! Please say it kindly. Gratitude, DK.